We need a better Canada Disability Benefit
It’s unacceptable that Canadians with disabilities should have to rely on food banks or choose between life’s basic necessities. As it stands, government funding for the Canada Disability Benefit offers a maximum of only $200/month per individual and won’t be accessible to all who need it. While the CDB program is being developed, we can all do more to make sure that people with disabilities are lifted out of poverty and can live a life of dignity.

Where are we now?
Learn more about where the CDB is at today, the upcoming milestones that will shape whether the Benefit can deliver on the promise to Canadians living with a disability, and what you can do to ensure it does.

What we're calling for
To create a Disability Benefit that works for ALL Canadians living with a disability and address the inadequate funding and restrictive eligibility criteria, we’re calling on government to: